Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Dialect Map

The Times has a wonderful little quiz up that is supposed to tell you where you grew up based on 20 questions about what you call things and how you pronounce words. I cheated a little by using the words I used as a kid rather than those I use now -- I have switched from "lightning bug" to "firefly" -- but that was only a couple of questions. And they found my home, in Richmond, Virginia. Impressive.


Anonymous said...

I came out as being from southern California. Gnarly, Dude.

John said...

Since you are the least Texan person I have ever met, it is hardly surprising that they couldn't place you.

ArEn said...

I refuse to accept that my children can't differentiate between marry and Mary/merry!!

Shadow said...

It got me. I hail from New York.