Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interpret This

Does this mean that our over-indulgent, consumerized, body-toning society is founded on techno-military power? Or, since the tank is upside down, does it imply that the way to achieve an over-indulgent, consumerized, body-toning society is to overthrow the techno-military power and turn tanks into treadmills? Does it perhaps inscribe the notion that fitness, like war, is a fascist activity rooted in violence and dominance? Does it argue that war is as pointless as running on a treadmill, going nowhere with great waste of effort?

Or is it just weird?

(A man jogs on top of an overturned armored tank in an installation by artists Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla, part of the Gloria exhibition, at the US pavillion of the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale contemporary arts festival, in Venice. (AP))

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