Monday, October 13, 2014

This Headline Explains So Much about the Modern World

Count Dracula’s prison to become tea garden

From here.


G. Verloren said...

Eh, I don't feel this reflects the modern world very well at all.

If anything, the philosophy of preservation of historic sites is itself distinctly modern, and paving over the past to make way for petty present day concerns has been the historical norm since the dawn of time.

Ruins have long been pillaged for building materials, cities have often been built on top of each other as each one failed in succession, and certainly countless historical landscapes have fallen prey to the ravages of the plow.

Anonymous said...

Tea? Tea is benign. I might expect the following headlines:

"Previously-Unknown Group Claims Responsibility for Explosion that Flattened Dracula's Prison"

"Rupert Murdoch To Buy Dracula's Prison, Plans Luxury Conference Center"

"Austerity Measures Postpone Dracula Prison Renovation Because Suffering Makes Us Moral"

Or, most depressing of all:

"Archaeologists Prove Legendary Dracula Prison Actually a 19th-Century Button Factory"

Paired inevitably with:

"Historian Argues Dracula Was Responsible Administrator, Reformed Land Law"

John said...

"Transylvanian Nationalists Denounce Plan for Conference Center"

"Anarchists Take Over Dracula's Prison, Demand End to Vampiric Capitalism"

"Tourism Board Promotes 'Days of Impalement' at Dracula's Prison" ("We want people to feel the excitement of the past," says a spokesperson)

Anonymous said...

Love "Days of Impalement"! (With face painting for the kids! And a Moon Bounce!)

Shadow said...

Will they serve tea? I like to go to tea houses.