Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's Statistic

In the first quarter of 2009, Twilight novels composed 16 percent of all book sales.
In the US, I suppose. Frightening.


MLB said...

At least teens are reading. At least I borrowed the copy I read.

John said...

I suppose the interesting point of this is the huge cultural power of teenage girls (and women who think like teenage girls). They have changed the way we talk, and they wield huge influence over what entertainment makes it really big.

Katya said...

The really scary thing is going into the new Borders teen section, and seeing the PROPORTION of books which are Twilight or Twilight/Vampire knock-offs. The second largest category would seem to be "Gossip Girl" style books with pink and black covers. These are our readers-in-training. And look at the narrow, narrow wedge of what they are reading. Other books to experiment with? They're just not on the shelves