Friday, September 6, 2013

Family Planning in Iran

According to Alan Weisman,
Iran  has had the most successful family-planning program in the history of the planet. They got down to replacement rate a year faster than China, and it was completely voluntary. 
How did they do it?
First of all, the present ayatollah, Khamenei, issued a fatwa saying there was nothing in the Qur’an against having an operation if you felt that you had enough children that you could take care of. Everything from condoms through pills, injections, tubal ligations, vasectomies, IUDs—everything was free, and everything was available in the farthest reaches of the country. I interviewed this wonderful woman, an OB/GYN who was part of this, right after the plan was implemented, ten years after the Iranian Revolution, in the late ’80s. She was going on horseback into these little villages to help perform vasectomies and tubal ligations. As the country grew more prosperous, her transportation changed to four-wheel-drive trucks and even helicopters. Everyone was guaranteed contraception if they wanted it. The only thing that was obligatory in Iran was premarital counseling, which is actually a very nice idea. I recommend it to everybody who’s contemplating getting married. The Quakers do it in our country, and, for six months before a couple gets married, they attend classes. In Iran, you could go to a mosque, or you could just go to a health center. They would talk about things to get you prepared for getting married, including what it costs to have a child, to raise a child, to educate a child. People got the message really well. They were told, “Have as many children as you want to have, as you think you can take care of.” Most Iranians continue to choose to have either one or two.
I believe that this is the key to a sustainable human future. Turn childbirth from an accident to a choice, and birth rates plummet. Coercion is not necessary, only opportunity.


pootrsox said...

How ironic that an Islamic country, a country whose people are so hated by fundamentalist Christians for their religion, is more open to women's (and men's) reproductive health than the country of those fundamentalists!

I do note, also, that the same fundamentalist Christians utter not one word about providing Viagra, et al, as part of employee health insurance.

John said...

Read the Bible! God clearly loved old patriarchs and wants them to have many children!