Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ron Paul goes after Gingrich

Ron Paul's people have made the first anti-Gingrich video ad of the primary season, a montage of Newt talking out of both sides of his mouth on all sorts of issues. Jennifer Rubin, a Romney supporter, calls the ad "devastating," but we'll see if voters think so. The pundits and political experts have all said that Gingrich's long record of saying whatever popped into his head would eventually doom his candidacy. Ron Paul seems to think the process needs helping along.

What's up with Ron Paul? I always thought he was running to get a platform for his ideas, without any hope of winning or strategy for doing so. But, if so, why run attack ads? Maybe he just thinks that a win in Iowa, where he is close to the top in the polls, would get his libertarianism more attention than ever. But maybe he has gotten caught up in the race and is now really going for the prize. Good luck.

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