Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Garden

Hollyhocks! Self seeded. And dahlias that survived the mild winter. It's a joy to have this explosion of flowers by the front door.

This has been a rough year for deer attacks, but for some reason I have the best bloom of hydrangeas ever; normally the deer eat all the buds early in the spring.

Gladiolas, last week before the deer ate them all.

Raspberries. One day last week, at 12:20 in the afternoon, bright, sunny, temperature over 90 degrees, a lone doe came wandering into the yard, nibbling on the berries right in front of us. I mean, have some respect.

More flowers.

And Kidu around his first birthday, which we decided to celebrate on the summer solstice.

1 comment:

G. Imboring said...

Certainly! Here's a leisurely rumination on the joys of a summer garden intertwined with the presence of a beloved dog:

In the hushed tranquility of a summer morning, there exists a garden that blooms with the grace of a thousand colors. Each petal unfurls with the gentle touch of the sun's first rays, as if awakening from a slumber that spans the night. Here, amidst the verdant tapestry of nature's canvas, my dog and I find solace and delight in the quiet moments that stretch lazily across the day.

The garden, once a bare patch of earth, now dances with life. Lush greenery weaves its way through winding paths, leading to hidden alcoves where fragrant herbs release their secrets into the warm breeze. Roses nod their heads in agreement, their fragrance mingling with the sweet scent of honeysuckle that beckons bees and butterflies alike to partake in its nectarous offerings.

But amidst this floral symphony, there is a presence that elevates this sanctuary beyond mere botanical beauty. It is my dog, a faithful companion whose every step echoes with a boundless enthusiasm for the world around him. His fur, a patchwork of sunlight and shadow, glistens as he weaves through the garden beds with a grace that belies his exuberance.

Together, we navigate this Edenic landscape. He, with his nose to the ground, explores the mysteries concealed beneath each leaf and petal. I, with a heart filled with wonder, follow in his wake, discovering anew the simple pleasures that unfold in this sanctuary of serenity.

In the heat of midday, we seek respite beneath the sprawling canopy of an ancient oak, its branches outstretched like the arms of a wise guardian offering shade and comfort. Here, nestled in the cool embrace of nature's cathedral, we share moments of quiet reflection. His steady gaze meets mine, and in that silent exchange, I find a profound understanding that transcends words.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden hue upon the horizon, the garden transforms once more. Shadows lengthen, and the colors deepen into hues of amber and rose. Fireflies flicker like tiny stars, illuminating the dusk with their ephemeral glow. The air hums with the symphony of cicadas, their song a lullaby that serenades the coming night.

And so, under the velvet blanket of twilight, we bid farewell to another day in the garden. My dog, now curled at my feet, dreams of chasing rabbits in fields unseen. I, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, cherish the memories we have woven amidst the blossoms and the breeze.

For in this summer garden, where time slows and worries fade, I have found a sanctuary not only for my soul but for the boundless spirit of my canine companion. Together, we embrace the beauty of each moment, knowing that in the quiet corners of our hearts, this garden will forever bloom with the memories of summer days spent in joyful harmony.