Sunday, January 7, 2024

What Kind of Book Reviewer am I?

The matter of that woman who lost her book contract for anomymously attacking other authors' books got me to wondering what kind of book reviewer I am. So I went back through my "books" tab and discovered that over the 15 years of this blog I have reviewed about 200 books. ("About" because it's hard to count something like my A Year of Haruki Murakami, and because sometimes I mention a book but then go on to write entirely about one point of interest to me.) I assigned a numerical value to each review, one star to five; everything I said I "loved" got five stars. 

It turns out that I am a pretty generous reviewer. I think only one of my reviews was a one star (of Red Leopard, Black Wolf), and only about three were two stars. The average for 102 non-fiction works was 4.2 stars; for 98 works of fiction, 3.8. If I separate out 24 works that are sci-fi or fantasy, they would rate about 3.7.

It is not that I love all books so much; in fact I think most of them are trash. It's just that I long ago lost any compunction to finish books just because I started them, so if I'm not enjoying a book, I cast it aside and move on without giving it another thought. If a book made little impression on me, I would generally not bore my readers about it. The exception is fantasy, a subject on which I consider myself an expert, so I sometimes read books because I feel like I ought to and pass on my opinions as perhaps being of more interest than my opinions in other genres.

I also sometimes read books for work, but those rarely make it here, and of course I read those differently, skipping over large sections to get to the relevant parts.

So anyway I think I am safe from the accusation that I have been trashing other authors to somehow upvote myself.

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