Monday, January 29, 2024


Lotusland is a remarkable, 37-acre garden in Montecito, California mostly created by mid-twentieth century Polish opera singer, Ganna Walska. 

The house, a classic of California Hispanic, was designed in 1915 by Reginald Johnson.

Part of the property was a nursery in the 1890s, and some of the older trees (like the palms at top and this dragon tree) date to that time.

The garden is structured around a series of themes: Japanese garden, 

fern garden, 

cycad garden, 

cactus garden, 

aloe garden,

water garden, and more. Seems like an amazing place. But if you go, be sure to make a reservation in advance, because admission is strictly limited. Huge photos at the garden web site.

1 comment:

szopeno said...

Ganna? I was so sure you made a typo but no, she really changed her name (maybe because in Ukrainian and some southern Russian they pronounce our "G" as hard "H"?) . Six times married, two of her husbands were multimillionaires... Damn.