Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Threats to China's Security

China's State Security Ministry now has a social media account that they mainly use to warn citizens about potential security threats. Vivian Wang has some of the highlights (NY Times):

Apparent Good Samaritans: One recent post titled “Beware! Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” warned readers that spies might pose as generous donors. . . .

Courier services: Another post was called “These types of packages are not allowed!” Besides reminding people not to mail top-secret documents to spies, it warned that “some foreign organizations and individuals” had shipped animals, such as alligator snapping turtles, American bullfrogs and red fire ants, to China to reproduce as invasive species and destroy local ecosystems.

Students looking for cash: College students are a persistent source of worry for Beijing. Another post warned that students looking for part-time work may be targets for spies who ask them to take photos of scientific research sites for pay.

Students applying to colleges abroad: But students don’t need to be sharing sensitive information to threaten national security. They may also be unwitting vessels for spreading a negative image of China — as described in another post, where a study-abroad agency purportedly inserted political content critical of China into a student’s application materials, to help them win admission overseas. “Without knowing it,” the post said, the student went from “a young student with a simple résumé to an anti-China vanguard.”
Almost anything might conceal a hidden listening device or camera: Pens, lighters, tissue boxes. Dragonflies might actually be tiny aerial drones. 

“Some unassuming daily objects may contain mysteries,” the post said, above a hotline for reporting spies.

1 comment:

G. Verloren said...

Almost anything might conceal a hidden listening device or camera: Pens, lighters, tissue boxes. Dragonflies might actually be tiny aerial drones.

Perhaps they'll go about eradicating dragonflies like they did sparrows during "The Great Leap Forward", and accidentally cause another mass famine by removing another predator that helpfully eats insects that target crops.

It's so sad seeing China slip back into insanity. They were making decent improvement for a while there, until Xi seized power and decided he wanted to be a second Mao.