Monday, January 1, 2024

Immigration, 1907

A friend sent me this, from an article about a copper mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula:

Here is a large community peopled by foreigners who are alleged to be pouring into this country faster than we can absorb them. They are called a menace to our institutions, and agitators declare that Americanism will be submerged by this swelling tide. The Calumet and Hecla company has worked out its own solution of the immigration problem. Its miners and their families are treated as human beings, and they are good enough Americans to put to shame the spirit and achievements of many a community which brags of its native stock. This company has no complaint to make on the score of lack of efficiency among its employees because they are given a fair show to live decently and make their communities clean and prosperous. It has gone about the business of assimilating a foreign population by methods which do not seem to have occurred to the Chicago packers.

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