Wednesday, December 11, 2024

The Insane Details of the South Korean Coup Attempt

Via The Blue Roof on Twitter/X. The source is testimony to the National Assembly's Defense Committee, which is investigating the coup:

To arrest key liberal leaders including Lee Jae-myung, the military dispatched the HID unit, the special forces whose main task is to assassinate major North Korean leaders in case of a war. They are normally near the DMZ, but were just outside of Seoul on Dec 3.

The HID unit were not dressed in the ROK military uniform. Instead, they were given a false North Korean uniform. The plan was to have the HID unit either assassinate Lee and others, and if that failed, have the "rescuing" South Korean soldiers to kill both Lee and the HID unit.

The Defense Minister's original plan was to provoke an attack from North Korea, then use that as an excuse to declare martial law. To that end, South Korean military flew several drones over the Pyongyang sky, spraying propaganda fliers. North Korea did not attack, however. . . .

Yoon Suk-yeol directly commanded the military at the scene of the National Assembly to arrest the lawmakers. The president personally called Cdr. Gwak Jong-geun and told him: "They don't have quorum yet. Get in there and drag them all out."

During the coup, helicopters carrying special forces headed to the Assembly were held up at the capital no-fly zone, because the Air Force was not aware of the coup plan. In the end, the Air Force never approved the flight; the Army forged the approval order.

According to other testimony, planning for the coup began in July 2023. The plotters had more units of special forces ready to deploy to Seoul but halted them when the Assembly rescinded the martial law order. Our reporter thinks that might have led to a massacre, but other military observers have noted that the troops deployed to the National Assembly building did not have live rounds in their guns.

The farce has continued since the failure, with one spokesman saying the president ordered the coup because he was lonely and depressed, and one of his top aids trying to commit suicide by choking himself on his underpants.

Weird place, Korea. Of course other sources are denying this, but obviously something very weird happened.

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