Monday, March 4, 2024

Russian War Aims

Dmitry Medvedev reminds anyone not paying attention what Russia's goal is in this war: the destruction of Ukrainian nationhood. Besides the map above, which shows Ukraine reduced to a little statelet around Kyiv, he said,

One of Ukraine's former leaders once said that Ukraine isn't Russia. That concept must disappear for good. Ukraine is undoubtedly Russia!

1 comment:

  1. That map is BIZARRE.

    It seems to suggest that the Russians (are at least pretending to) want to give away the western third of Ukraine, splitting it between Poland, Romania, and Hungary for some reason?

    I notice that the proposed split would carefully avoid creating a border between Russia and Poland, which they know would never be accepted - but at the same time, it also weirdly creates a border between Hungary and Poland?

    I know Putin views Orban to be a valuable pawn, despite (or perhaps because of) his overt Fascism - so I can understand why they would want to give HIM land. But why do they think the Poles and Romanians want any Ukrainian land? Both countries have been staunch supporters of Ukraine, and both countries have very big bones to pick with Russia, and neither wants the Russians on their border.

    Perhaps it's an intentional "White Elephant" offer that they fully expect to be rejected, but if and when it does get rejected (if it ever actually gets made), they can then turn around and say "Oh! We were willing to be very generous, and you refuse us! Nevermind then! For this insult, we will take everything, push our borders directly up to yours, and you alone are to blame and deserve all the consequences!" Or maybe instead of take it directly, they would give it to Orban, or assign it to the "Kiev" puppet they want to carve out for themselves.

    Also! What utter HYSTERICAL irony it would be if they actually gave that land away to Poland, Romania, and Hungary! Imagine - Putin himself, PERSONALLY expanding NATO's territories! I can only imagine the imbeciles who support him wouldn't be able to recognize the searing white hot hypocrisy of it all.
