Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Meanwhile in Cambridge

From a speech in the House of Lords, via Marginal Revolutions:

Lord Triesman: I will tell the noble Baroness, Lady Smith, that at Cambridge University, after the faculty of economics was redecorated, I was inveigled into taking part in a debate as to the order in which the portraits of its Nobel prize winners should be rehung and whether it should be Marshall or Keynes in the pre-eminent position. I left that debate after eight hours. No one was an inch further down the line of resolving it and, to my knowledge, the portraits have never been hung, because 20 years later no one is any further down the path of resolving it.


  1. Sounds like an HOA meeting. Maybe a PTA arguing over the cafeteria menu.

  2. I think it's fabulous. I want it to be exactly like that, and never different.

  3. I would think chronological ordering would be the safe bet, since we're talking about people receiving Nobel prizes, which are issued over time?
