Friday, September 2, 2022

AI Wins Digital Art Prize

NY Times:

This year, the Colorado State Fair’s annual art competition gave out prizes in all the usual categories: painting, quilting, sculpture.

But one entrant, Jason M. Allen of Pueblo West, Colo., didn’t make his entry with a brush or a lump of clay. He created it with Midjourney, an artificial intelligence program that turns lines of text into hyper-realistic graphics.

Mr. Allen’s work, “Théåtre D’opéra Spatial,” took home the blue ribbon in the fair’s contest for emerging digital artists — making it one of the first A.I.-generated pieces to win such an prize, and setting off a fierce backlash from artists who accused him of, essentially, cheating.
The prizewinning work is at top and above. Not bad.


  1. Eh, looks like a standard sci-fi book cover.

    Shouldn't Midjourney get the prize instead Jason M. Allen? It created the work. He just submitted it.
