Monday, April 25, 2022

Amazon's Proposed HQ Building for Pen Place, Arlington, VA

Amazon just got approval from Arlington County to build the centerpiece of its second headquarters, this interesting spiral building by NBBJ Architects.

View from I-395. Thanks in part to height limits, related to the airport and not overshadowing the Mall, downtown Arlington is a kingdom of nearly identical glass boxes. This is certainly better than another one of those.


  1. Kind of a swirly dog turd / butt plug mix.

  2. @anon

    ...or a shell? Or a flower? Ya know... things that are actually spirals in nature? Why is it your mind goes where it went rather than there?

  3. Because it doesn't look anything like a flower. I guess a shell, but you can't really deny it looks like a spirally dog turd or a butt plug.

  4. I can and do, categorically.

  5. Kind of looks like a butt plug, but whoever uses it best keep those trees tightly pruned or they will pay the price.

  6. Then you're being deliberately obtuse, G. Simply google 'spiral butt plug' and you will see the resemblance very clearly. Also google 'dog turd emoji' for the other.

  7. If it were not made of shiny I might think of a shell, but the shiny metallic look makes my first thought 'butt plug'.

    Ooops, as ever the internet is ahead of me:

    A quick search of 'amazon hq looks like butt plug' reveals I'm not the only one.

  8. @Shadow, yes and make sure the dirt doesn't spill over onto the sides, or it will really resemble a used butt plug

  9. Maybe this is TMI, but the proportions seem rather sex toy like, to my eye.
