Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Tiny Spanish Church Becomes a Stunning Home

In 2016, Venezuelan photographer Tas Careaga purchased this abandoned 16th-century church in northwestern Spain and spent three years transforming it into a magnificent dwelling. He had help from an old friend, architect Carlos Garmendia de Garmendia Cordero. Lots more pictures at his web site and a description of the project at Architectural Digest.


  1. The things you can achieve when you have more disposable income than you know what to do with, and are friends with an architect who caters to the wealthy and who has free time to do you major favors.


  2. I dont think tbe architect did it for free... And anyway, its a wonderfull show of his skills. Anyway, probab
    bably there are graves under his feet.

  3. @anon

    There are probably graves under lots of people's feet in Europe, to be fair...
