Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Resolutions

Jan Provoost (1462–1525) - The Crucifixion. Detail

Never let anger or defensiveness get in the way of understanding.

Withhold moral judgment until I have a clue.

Refuse to indulge in envy of people who achieve success.

Be kind.

Make a new friend.

Visit my old friends more.

Learn new things; find new fields in which to learn things I never knew existed.

Visit a city I've never been to, and a National Park I've never been to.

Keep listening to new music, and find a new musician or composer to love.

Read books by ten authors completely new to me.

Finish the first draft of a new novel.

Either place the my current novel with a publisher or self-publish it on Amazon like the last one.


  1. Hear, hear!

    Whatever differences any of us may have from one another, let us all continue to strive to do better, to be better, to grow, and to help one another.

    John, I know we have our disagreements and mutual frustrations, but I respect the hell out of you. Keep fighting the good fight. The world is better for it and for you.

  2. I cuncur with G. Verloren!

    And I look forward to reading another novel by you, especially if archeology and mystery play into it.
