They call this building the Hermitage of San Bartolomé and say that it was built in the later 12th century when the Knights Templar owned much land throughout this district.
And behind the hermitage is this cave, inhabited in the Stone Age, and said to have been the site of cult activity in the Roman times:
Situated equidistantly from the Iberian Peninsula’s easternmost and westernmost points in a remote corner of the Rio del Lobos Canyon, the site has long held significance to local inhabitants and was carefully chosen by the Knights Templars for its spiritual properties. In a nearby limestone cave, Ancient Romans celebrated Mundus Patet (the “festival of the dead”) and prayed to the Cult of the Mother Goddess. Legend has it that in the 1st Century AD, this was also where Bartholomew the Apostle (San Bartolomé) dropped his sword from atop a nearby mountain, declaring wherever the weapon fell to be his home.
And just as you would expect in such a story about such a building, the sun shining rough the little window with its five-pointed star traces out the year across the floor
Its Canyon of Rio Lobos...Cañon del Rio Lobos