Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Crisis for Introverts

As an introvert, I am trying to practice empathy by imagining a crisis that forced me to make small talk with strangers for months.

–John Overholt


  1. As an introvert, I am trying to practice empathy by imagining a crisis that forced me to make small talk with strangers for months.

    –John Overholt

    ...isn't that just called "normal life"? We introverts have to put up with that exact crisis all the time, and rarely does anyone think to practice empathy for us over it.

    Maybe you can get lucky and find a job where you don't have to interact with customers, AND where your coworkers are the kind people you can befriend and get to know, but usually you'll have to make small talk with strangers one way or another.

    Perhaps it's petty and unworthy schadenfreude, but I've taken a certain satisfaction in seeing the extroverts who normally have it so easy finally experiencing what it's like for society to function in a way they find fundamnetally unpleasant.

    I keep that satisfaction to myself and don't rub it in their faces, of course, but it's still there. And far from me trying to feel more empathy for them, I hope the experience teaches them a little more empathy for us once this is all over.

  2. Rarely I agree with Verloren :D but yeah, that pretty much summarizes my feelings too.
