Friday, October 11, 2019

Links 11 October 2019

Glazed brick wall panel from Nimrud, 858-824 BC.

A trip to Erie, Pennsylvania, a town that voted twice for Obama and then for Trump, at least partly because it had lost thousands of jobs. Erie has a great record of welcoming refugees so it's hard to blame simple racism for this one.

The fight over the public library in Clinton, Arkansas as a microcosm of American politics.

Cormac McCarthy on how to write good scientific papers.

Homer called Achilles' companions "Myrmidons," or "ant men." Here's a theory that the name derives from people who built burial mounds.

Scott Ritter says the new Chinese missiles neutralize the US Pacific Fleet.

"Echo chambers" or "media bubbles" do not explain partisanship. Many hyper-partisan people watch the network news.

Against charging teenage criminals as adults.

1 comment:

  1. “... While the U.S. commitment to Taiwan’s independence remains steadfast, its willingness ....”

    Really? For how long? How many phone calls from now?

