Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Union Station

Starting to get into the spirit.


  1. Do they also have a giant menorah for Hanukkah? Maybe a kinara for Kwanzaa? A statue of Ganesh for Pancha Ganapati? A statue of Guatama Buddha or Maitreya for Bodhi Day? A wicker goat for Yule? No? Yeah, didn't think so.

    Seems a little off that a train station owned by the Department of Transportation and Amtrak (which is massively subsidized at both state and federal levels) would demonstrate such obvious religious bias. Then again, we still have courthouses that feature statues of The Ten Commandments, but attempt to bar sculptures depicting other religious icons, so I mean... not actually surprising.

  2. Oh, but of course, I forgot - it's not a "Christmas Tree", no no! It's a "Holiday Tree", which is totally not the exact same thing with a "politically correct" name.
