Wednesday, June 15, 2016

In Britain, Contempt for Elites

At Bloomberg, Therese Raphael reviews the state of the upcoming Brexit vote in Britain:
What makes the forecasted “leave” vote so dramatic is that nearly every official body, national and international, has lined up the other way. Britain’s political parties (with the exception of the anti-immigrant UKIP party) and the country’s trade unions (which opposed remaining in Europe in Britain’s 1975 referendum) have backed remaining in the EU. Large businesses, small businesses and the scientific and tech communities all broadly want to remain in Europe. Former NATO chiefs, the U.S. president and other world leaders have also pleaded with Brits to stick around.
I find this fascinating. A majority of Britons simply don't care what their "leaders" think.

Interesting analysis of predicted voting patterns: the people who want to leave the EU are older and less educated – much like Trump voters, come to think of it. There is a large group of older people in both the US and Britain that worries very much about national decline and does not trust the current leadership to do anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. "There is a large group of older people in both the US and Britain that worries very much about national decline and does not trust the current leadership to do anything about it."

    So it goes, and so it has gone for all of known history. Every culture in every age has seen those who bemoan an imagined "decline" and distrust the younger generations to lead them to anything but ruin.

    But ten thousand years of the fearful trying and failing to turn back the clock have taught us there's simply no going back. The future marches ever closer, the past ever further. And while some go calmly and even eagerly into new frontiers, the rest go kicking and screaming to face the inevitable.
