Monday, July 30, 2012

Lidar in European Archaeology

Lidar mapping continues to amaze archaeologists with the details it can reveal even at well-known sites. Above, the Czech hillfort of Vladar, mapped using lidar accurate to a few centimeters. The site is mostly wooded, but Lidar can be programmed to ignore tree cover.

Above, the plain of Tara in Ireland.

Even at Tara, one of the most intensely studied prehistoric landscapes in the world, the Lidar mapping turned up hitherto undiscovered burial mounds (b above), circular ditches (a) and other features. (Note the trees, which were not removed from this image.)

At Skellig Michael off the coast of Ireland, Lidar revealed not only the well known buildings of the main monastery, but a second cluster of huts on the south ridge whose existence had generally been regarded as little more than a guess.

1 comment:

  1. wheee... that's really cool. i can think of some areas in the four corners that would be interesting to turn this loose on.
