Thursday, April 26, 2012

And the Martin Luther Random Insult Generator

While I'm on the subject, I couldn't miss mentioning the Martin Luther insult generator, featuring lines from his sermons and pamphlets:
You are not human beings, but empty shells and shadows.

You are the most insane heretics and ingrafters of heretical perversity.

Get out in the name of a thousand devils, and break your neck before you are out of the city.

You are like the ostrich, the foolish bird which thinks it is wholly concealed when it gets its neck under a branch. Or like small children, who hold their hands in front of their eyes and seeing nobody imagine that no one sees them either. In general, you are so stupid that it makes one feel like vomiting.

1 comment:

  1. I got "You are like mouse-droppings in the pepper." Brilliant. The more you consider it, the more harsh it becomes.
