Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Old, Sad Story

At UVA, another Beauty and the Beast tale ends the way they so often have, for thousands of years:
This is how police say the story ended: George Huguely kicked through Yeardley Love's bedroom door early Monday. They fought. He grabbed her and shook her, slamming her head repeatedly into the wall. He seized her computer, the one on which she'd read his angry e-mails. Then he left her lying facedown on a pillow that would soon be soaked with her blood.

The details that emerged Tuesday -- from friends, relatives, fellow students and Huguely's account of the attack, described in a police affidavit -- reveal that the two lacrosse players in the University of Virginia murder case seem as different as his grizzled mug shot and her radiant class picture.

Love, friends and a relative said, was a caring soul who became romantically involved with Huguely, a young man with a temper and at least one alcohol-fueled episode of violence with a police officer. He received a suspended sentence after a drunken scuffle with a female Virginia police officer in November 2008.

So you see, ladies, you should only date and marry nice nerdy guys, no matter how sexy you find the darkly disturbed ones.

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