Monday, July 22, 2024

What I Think

Zack Beauchamp:

By dropping out of the 2024 race, President Joe Biden did what we all want our politicians to do: He put his country over his career. . . . In a country where many think politicians won’t do the right thing, Biden did (even if he exhausted all other options first).

I think Biden can now look forward with pride to his (likely short) retirement, and that pleases me. So I'm going to celebrate this moment of people doing the right thing and democracy working as it is supposed to before girding myself for a depressing election.


  1. That is rather dubious, first because the noble attitude of doing the right thing was not his own free will, but he was forced by many pressure actors in the party, insistently, after the failed debate. On the other hand, he dropped out in favour of Kamala Harris, the most certain looser candidate in the party, and yes, his absolute choice: here he decided wrongly.
    So, a depressing election, entirely caused by him. No so noble, I think.

  2. First of all when did people forget how to spell loser? (looser means not tighter!)
    Secondly, Kamala Harris is breaking all kinds of fund raising records for a candidate and I will take that as a very positive sign. The base is energized.

  3. I'm enjoying the thought of all the warehouses full of "Let's Go Brandon" and "FJB" merchandise that are now worthless. And all the crappy pickup trucks which will need their bed doors repainted.

    I'm also enjoying how the right's favorite weapon against Biden (his age) has now been turned around and is pointed squarely at Trump, who is now opposed by a candidate two decades younger than him. Not that they'll acknowledge or care about that, of course, but still.

    I'm less enthused thinking about the sort of vitriol the right will be cooking up to sling at Harris, now that they need replacement avenues of attack. But then again, perhaps they'll come up with what they think is a racist dog-whistle that is actually just blatant racism, and they'll repulse whatever fence-sitters might have thrown in with them? They do have a bad habit of saying the quiet parts out loud.

  4. I’m excited about people voting because Ms Harris represents them. I’m hoping to see those whom she doesn’t represent deciding not to show up at the Polls. Ms Harris embodies all the things that the MAGAs hate! Thanks to Biden for giving her the chance to become the President!
