Friday, November 15, 2019

Rod Stewart's Model Railroad

Of all the confounding things. And he insists that except for "some help with the electric" he built the whole thing himself. I guess retired rock stars have to do something with their time.


  1. I mean, when rock stars were all busy doing rails of cocaine off the chests of underage groupies, no one batted an eye, but now one of them is old and retired and makes model trains, and that's counfounding?

    Considering what a lot of other retired celebrities do with their time and money, this is rather refreshingly wholesome and delightful.

  2. I think it's beautiful. My grandpa would have loved it.

  3. That. Is. Awesome. A properly done model railroad is a work of art.

  4. "Horowitz Garment Company Dresses Shirts Pants" Fabulous.

    It looks like the cars are on a track. I wonder if they move. And if their lights work, and there are lights in the buildings . . .

    He says in the article, "I find beauty in what everyone else sees as ugly - rugged skyscrapers, beaten-up warehouses, things that are very run down." I am among the many who feel the same way.

  5. Obviously I think the railroad is awesome or I wouldn't have posted it; it's *Rod Stewart* I have a problem with.

  6. @John

    Any particular aspect of him?

    I admit, I don't really listen to his music, but I'm also not aware of any particularly damning personal failings that aren't common to basically all rock stars of his general notoriety. A cursory bit of searching doesn't bring up much either.
