Thursday, February 8, 2018

Rep. Duncan Hunter and the "Bros Caucus"

Politico reports on the troubles of California Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter:
Hunter is also under intense scrutiny by the FBI and federal prosecutors. Federal agents have questioned his former staffers about whether thousands of dollars spent at Washington restaurants were legitimate campaign expenditures. They’ve also inquired about his relationships with several women in Washington, including one who worked in his office.

“He’s enjoyed his time in Washington — probably a little too much,” said one House Republican lawmaker who has known Hunter for years but wants him to retire in order to protect the seat. . . .

Former staffers to Hunter said he and his lawmaker friends — dubbed the "bros caucus” by his aides — would regularly go to the Capitol Hill Club, a Republican hangout, to drink beer, sometimes during the day. Congressional aides have recounted to POLITICO at least two stories of recent official meetings where lawmakers questioned whether Hunter was intoxicated.
Yes, the bros caucus! You knew there had to be one. I mean, there are a lot of bros in the country and they deserve representation, too.

But really the Hunter family is a depressing train wreck: while he was partying in Washington and having affairs with multiple women, including at least one lobbyist, his wife was at home in San Diego with three children, running up more than $100,000 in charges on his campaign credit cards. They had to sell their house to pay that back, and that's just the start of their legal woes. It's a lesson in not being envious of people who seem "successful" from the outside.

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