Thursday, March 27, 2014

Butchers Hill, Baltimore

I got to Patterson Park early yesterday morning so I took a walk about the neighborhood just to the west, which is called Butchers Hill. I haven't been in that part of town in twenty years, and it has come up a long way.

Lots of adorable houses.

The ones on the side streets are small.

With grander houses on the main streets.

Side by side, two different approaches to renovation: on the right, the neo-Federal; on the left, the retro-1950s formstone look.

Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Formstone removal in progress.

A delightful place, perfect for my fantasy second life in which I am a cool urbanite.

1 comment:

  1. For many years my (not too dissimilar) dream was a house like one of those in the right area of Philly :)

    My formative years were spent in a row house (5451 N. Marvine St) in Philly; my grandparents lived at 5634 N Warnock St.

    Not quite so federalist as the ones in center city or the ones you photographed, but I do love their look!
