Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Strange Bedfellows

Last night I started writing, but didn't finish, a post about how much I admire Pat Buchanan's latest essay on Iran and how amusing I find this. But then I was pumping gas this morning, and I noticed that the back of the pickup truck parked next to me was covered with signs -- not bumper stickers, mind you, but big signs. They said things like:
Restrict Politicians, not Guns
The Power Behind the World Government Takeover
and then
One of those quotations that has been assigned to a lot of curmudgeons is "When you find yourself agreeing with the majority, it's time to reconsider." What about when you find yourself agreeing with Pat Buchanan and the guys who think the Illuminati are behind the world government takeover?

1 comment:

  1. it's a bit frightening that i too agree with pat buchanan. this is a first.
