Thursday, November 10, 2011

Greek Default and the Republican Debate

Last night, while Rick Perry and Herman Cain were embarrassing themselves, Mitt Romney did what pros call "pivoting toward the general," talking up the points he will use, if nominated, to woo undecided centrists rather than party loyalists. His game plan is the familiar one: promise everything to everybody. In particular, he promised to 1) preserve the Bush tax cuts; 2) seek further tax relief for "hard pressed" middle class people; and 3) preserve Medicaid to provide health care for poor people.

For a look at the long-term consequences of this kind of arithmetic, cast your eyes toward Greece, where generations of tax avoidance and sponging off the government have so thoroughly bankrupted the state that it may drag the Euro down with it.

We have a choice in America. We can either raise our taxes, or abandon the promises we have made to provide health care for our poor and elderly. Low taxes and subsidized health care do not add up.

Take your choice.


  1. Well said i totally agree to your post that flawed is the human experience that is part of our lives as well as those who struggle in the political arena. but the difference is in getting the output on it.

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  2. useful commentary. it's clear the math just isn't there, yet the standard republican answer to any fiscal discussion is to lower taxes. to clear the debt, each citizen needs to somehow dig deep to pay around $48,000 to clear the debt, amortizing this over even ten years will sting. lowering taxes cannot accomplish this.

    on-the-books military spending drains approximately 20% of the budget, equal to social security.

    medicare and medicaid result in another 23%, give or take.

    until the whole of the fiscal conservative retirees in the US refuse their social security checks and go buy private medical insurance instead of medicare, their arguments reveal their hypocrisy.

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